Declaration of Major Project – North East Wind

The Minister for Planning has declared the proposed North East Wind a major project under section 60O of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

The project known as the North East Wind Project, located in north east Tasmania, is intended to generate up to 1260 megawatts of renewable electricity and includes up to 210 wind turbine generators (WTGs), internal roads, marine landing and wharf facility, operation and maintenance facility, meteorological masts, internal transmission lines and battery storage, plus temporary facilities for construction.

The declaration came into effect on 12 August 2022.

The proposal is now subject to the major project assessment process coordinated by the Tasmanian Planning Commission. Further information on project eligibility, the role of the Minister and opportunities for the public to ‘Have Your Say’ is also available in the Major Projects Assessment Process.

A copy of the declaration can be downloaded through the following link: Major Project Declaration – North East Wind - Gazette Notice.