Tasmania’s land use planning policy and strategy framework diagram

Access the text description of the diagram by clicking on the link below the diagram

* Note that these are to be endorsed by Councils and consistent with RLUSs.  There may be other studie, strategies and structure plans that are not consistent with s5A(5) LUPAA due to lack of consistency with RLUSs.

Text description of the Tasmania’s land use planning policy and strategy framework diagram

This diagram summarises Tasmania’s land use planning policy and strategy framework and where the Tasmanian Planning Policies sit within the framework.

Title – Land use planning policy and strategy framework

The Tasmanian Planning Policies are intended to be part of an integrated system of statutory planning instruments contained in the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA), which forms part of the Resource Management and Planning System (RMPS).

The RMPS Objectives (as set out in Schedule 1, Part 1 of the LUPAA) are contained in all Acts that form part of the RMPS, including LUPAA and the State Policies and Projects Act 1991.

In the diagram, LUPAA and State Polices sit under the RMPS. Land use planning outcomes under LUPAA and State Polices made under the State Policies and Projects Act 1991 need to be consistent with the RMPS Objectives.

In the diagram, the Tasmanian Planning Policies sit under LUPAA and State Policies. The Tasmanian Planning Policies need to further the RMPS Objectives that are set out in Schedule 1, Part 1 of LUPAA and the Planning Process Objectives set out in Schedule 1, Part 2 of LUPAA. They also need to be consistent with State Policies.

In the diagram, the Regional Land Use Strategies sit under the Tasmanian Planning Policies. The Regional Land Use Strategies are made in accordance with LUPAA and need to be consistent with the Tasmanian Planning Policies.

This means that Tasmanian Planning Policies can directly inform amendments to the content and scope of the State Planning Provisions (SPPs) and Local Provisions Schedules (LPSs) that form part of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme, or indirectly inform amendments to the SPPs and LPSs through the Regional Land Use Strategies.

The Tasmanian Planning Policies may also draw on other State Government endorsed policies, plans and strategies (e.g. Population Strategy, Affordable Housing Strategy or Infrastructure Plans) or other studies before amendments to the Regional Land Use Strategies, SPPs or LPSs can occur.

The RMPS Objectives that are set out in Schedule 1, Part 1 of LUPAA and the Planning Process Objectives set out in Schedule 1, Part 2 of LUPAA may also apply directly to the SPPs and LPSs.

Other local planning studies, strategies and structure plans made in accordance with section 5A(5) of LUPAA (and Guidelines made in accordance with section 8A of LUPAA) may also inform to the preparation of, or amendments to, the LPSs or amendments to the Regional Land Use Strategies. They can also be informed by the Regional Land Use Strategies.

Note that local planning studies, strategies and structure plans are to be endorsed by Councils and consistent with the Regional Land Use Strategies. There may be other studies, strategies and structure plans that are not consistent with section 5A(5) of LUPAA due to lack of consistency with the Regional Land Use Strategies.

State Government endorsed policies, plans and strategies and other non-statutory regional strategies and plans (e.g. integrated transport and management plans or industrial land strategies) are only informally related to (i.e. influence) the Tasmanian Planning Policies, Regional Land Use Strategies and Tasmanian Planning Scheme. This is because they have not been required to be consistent with the RMPS Objectives.