Review of the Landslide Planning Map

The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) and Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) are working on a joint review of the mapping used in the Landslide Hazard Code of the State Planning Provisions (SPPs) in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. This mapping underpins both the State’s planning and building regulations.

MRT has completed the first stage of technical updates to its Landslide Planning Map and these are open for consultation. The MRT consultation paper on the proposed changes to the map can be downloaded from the MRT website. The MRT consultation will include holding workshops for local councils and state agencies in February 2024 to provide feedback on the proposed changes.

The mapping review will become part of the first five yearly review of the of the State Planning Provisions (SPPs) in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. The SPPs Review work program identifies a project for implementing the updated landslip hazard mapping and reviewing operation of the Landslip Hazard Code. The review of the Landslip Hazard Code requirements will inform preparation of an amendment to the SPPs which will involve further consultation processes.  More information on the SPPs Review work program is available on the Planning in Tasmania website.

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